合资 1000-5000人 医疗/护理/卫生
合资 1000-5000人 医疗/护理/卫生
united family hospitals & clinics is a pioneering, international standard healthcare organization in china, our sole mission is to provide comprehensive, integrated healthcare services in a uniquely warm and caring patient and family service-oriented environment. our mission united family hospitals and clinics (ufh) is a pioneering, international standard healthcare organization in china, whose sole mission is to provide comprehensive, integrated healthcare services in a uniquely warm and caring patient and family service-oriented environment. what choose ufh a culture fuelled by motivated, talented people a challenging, multi-cultural and english-speaking working environment a comprehensive suite of benefits that provide secure and safe packages for employees the chance to make a difference - each and every day a platform to offer various training and development opportunities delivering exceptional care to our patients starts with us hiring and developing exceptional people. if you are seeking opportunities to join a challenging, dynamic and constantly changing environment, are interested in the passion and sense of pride that the united healthcare environment offers, then search our open positions and put your application in now! 和睦家医院集团是中国境内按国际标准设立、诊疗技术领先的综合性医疗机构,我们的宗旨是:在家庭般温馨舒适的就诊环境里,为患者提供独特的、全方位的医疗服务。 和睦家的价值观和承诺 以追求卓越医疗,提供优质服务为己任, 满足患者期望, 传递爱心呵护, 回馈社区信赖。 以人为本,身心并重,医患互敬, 以精湛的医术来体现医学的艺术性和科学性。 通过营造温馨、热情的环境,激发个人的创造性,鼓励多元文化发展,增进患者及其亲友和医院员工间的合作, 信任与相互尊重。 为什么选择和睦家 这里的文化鼓励和吸引有理想有才能的员工 全英文的工作坏境充满挑战,各国文化在这里相互融合 完善健全的薪资福利体系为每一个员工提供经济保障和动力 我们鼓励员工更好的实现自我价值,理解“我可以使医院变得不同” 致力于为员工提供各种培训和发展机会 薪资福利 我们为员工提供良好的待遇,包括: 薪金待遇 1.基础工资 2.年终奖金 3.基于工作成绩的年度工资增长 福利 1. 政府退休金 2. 政府医疗保险 3. 住房基金 4. 失业保险 5. 工伤补助 6. 补充性商业医疗保险 7. 员工健康福利 8. 第一年就可以享受每年20天年假